You should be able to find out about my research and teaching here. But if you need a CV for some reason (grant applications, invitations etc) then here is one.
Just in case you are wondering why this page is on GitHub read this and here are my github repos I’ve just added a new repo for a project I’m working on with a student.
I was looking forward to going to Hanoi for the Geometry and Dynamics in Low Dimensions in January 2025 but for administrative reasons didn’t make it.
December :
October : Reporting on the thesis of Pablo Montealegre (On the stable norm of flat surfaces, defense 12/12/2024) in Montpellier.
June : I went to Singapore for the meeting on thin groups 3/6/2024-14/6/2024. On Friday 14/6 I gave a talk and we had dinner with Alan Reid and for his birthday.
April :
January 2024 : Went to Oxford to give a talk in the topology seminar and I was supposed to go to San Francisco in January to give a talk in a special session on Markoff numbers at the AMS meeting but this got cancelled because of Notilus.
- [web page for class](/MAT366/)
Speaker NUS Singapore 14/6/2024
Speaker Oxford topology seminar 22 January 2024.
Invited speaker special session on Markoff Numbers at the AMS meeting San Francisco January 2024.
Summer 2023 I was travelling in Japan visiting TiTech and Rims
I am (still) working on the geometry of surfaces and its relations with number theory here are some preprints.
persyval-labmember of the IRGA committee pole MSTIC
Local coordinator federation RAA Paperwork
Basically if you are looking for me on a Thursday well….forget it!
I am a (low dimensional) topologist a subject which has it’s origins in the work of the French mathematician Henri Poincaré. I am interested in visualisation and computation in mathematics
I was a member of ICERM at Brown University in 2019 participating in Illustrating Math and visits to
Here is the book that we wrote during the semester.
And where I got time to do write stuff forInkscape like this Apollonian Packings
I am also am/was a beta tester for :
(actually Copilot is out of beta now and completed most of the above list)
IHP 2012 : La Maison des Maths
When I was director of the GDR Tresses we organised a number of meetings even during the pandemic.
This is a quasi-Fuchsian manifold: it’s a basic kind of 3 manifold homeomorphic to the product of a surface and an interval together with a (non unique) choice of hyperbolic metric. Togther with Prof. S. Kojima of TITEC we are working on applying converegence results for quasi-Fuchsian manifolds and Teichmueller theory to get information about closed hyperbolic manifolds.
With Bill Goldman and a couple of his ex students we have been working on a book that just got published by the AMS. Much of it is dedicated to explaining this picture of an invariant fractal in the character variety.
Mostly geometry of surfaces and (elementary) number theory.
Talks were Reveal.js slides till 2023 but I’ve switched to Marp but it’s basically the same
From March 2014 I’ve also been working with the fablab MSTIC making mathematical curiosities from wood. I’m mainly interested in constructing geometric objects in wood using kerf bending patterns. Wood prepared using a laser cutting machine can be bent and joined to like a 3 dimensional jigsaw puzzle. collection of pieces
In November 2014 I was invited to take part in a workshop forarchitectural students Architect 2.0 Grenoble to explain the techniques and possibilities.
thinking about einsteins
more here
I embedded this in a script with pygame too
After being abused by ed as a teenager I’ve recently converted to the church of neovim