%Geometry of sums of squares
%November 2022

Markov numbers are integers that appear in triples which are solutions of
a Diophantine equation the so-called Markov cubic



can be identified with the Teichmueller space of the punctured torus
using Penner's -lengths.

Odd index Fibonacci numbers are Markoff numbers

Markoff numbers

Frobenius uniqueness conjecture

  • The largest integer in a triple determines the two other numbers.
  • For every Markoff number there are exactly 3 simple closed geodesics of length on the modular torus

Partial results

m = Markoff number

Button's Theorem

If is a Markoff number which is prime

then there is a unique triple

  • in
  • in
  • or is a multiple of 4.

Theorem 1.2

Let be a prime then

has a solution over

  • iff or is a multiple of 4.
  • Button's theorem follows from unicity of

Theorem 1.3

Let be a prime then

has a solution over

  • iff or is a multiple of 6.

two groups of order 4

Acting on

Acting on

Farey tessalation

Ford circles

References etc

  • Heath-Brown, Fermat’s two squares theorem. Invariant (1984)
  • Zagier, A one-sentence proof that every prime p = 1 (mod 4) is a sum of two squares, 1990
  • Elsholtz, Combinatorial Approach to Sums of Two Squares and Related Problems. (2010)
  • Penner, The decorated Teichmueller space of punctured surfaces, Comm Math Phys (1987)
  • Zagier text{target="_blank"}


Let's begin then...

Burnside Lemma

  • acting on then

  • = fixed points of the element

  • the orbit space.

Theorem 1.1

Let be a prime then

has a solution over

  • iff or is a multiple of 4.


Group acting on :

Counting fixed points

  • identity
  • ?

Apply Burnside


Theorem 1.2: sum of 2 squares

Acting on


  • infinitely many primitive elements
  • primitive iff coprime
  • transitive on primitives


{ \textit{primitives} } &=& \mathbb{Q}\cup \infty\
&\subset& \text{circle/projective line } \
&=& \partial_\infty \mathbb{H}

Farey tessalation

circle/projective line

  • arc joining
  • are Farey neighbors




  • arc = Poincaré geodesic joining
  • - length of arc


-length = length of the portion outside Ford circles tangent to the real line at its endpoints

Ford circles

acts by Mobius transformations on

  • preserves the Poincaré (hyperbolic) metric
  • the orbit of are the Ford circles

  • point of tangency with , diameter =
  • ie the diameter is the square of the inverse of the denominator of

Proof of lemma

  • arc joining has -length
  • -length = length of the portion outside Ford circles tangent to the real line at its endpoints

Proof of lemma

  • transitive,
  • can suppose and
  • Ford circles tangent at
  • and another of diameter

Groups and quotients

  • has torsion so orbifold
  • three punctured sphere
  • once punctured torus

  • For Aigner's conjectures the geometry of the
    simple geodesics on
    once punctured torus was important.
  • For Fermat's theorem it's the automorphisms of
    = three punctured sphere

A three punctured sphere

can be cut up into 2 ideal triangles.

  • Fundamental domain for

  • are midpoints

reciprocals of sums of squares

  • are midpoints of arcs
  • the lifts to of the midpoints

Lemma A

  • Let be a positive integer.
  • The number of ways of writing as a sum of squares with coprime integers
  • is equal to the number of integers coprime to such that the line contains a point in the orbit of .

What is the group of automorphisms?

What is the subgroup of automorphisms

fixing the cusp labeled ?

  • fixes the cusp and midpoint
  • dashed arca are invariant under the group
  • one arc has -length 1, the other 2.

the set

  • arcs joining cusps with -length
  • lift to vertical lines with endpoints with odd
  • as before

Lemma A

Let be a positive integer.
The number of ways of writing as a sum of squares

with coprime integers is equal to the number of integers
coprime to
such that the line

contains a point in the orbit of .

subgroup lifts to

  • fixes


  • induces an automorphism no fixed points in
  • is an inversion in a half circle with endpoints -1 and 1
  • this arc's projection to surface is simple arc of -length

Lemma B

The automorphism induced by

fixes two and exactly two arcs in .

  • apply Burnside Lemma to prove Theorem 1.2


  • If and are exchanged by an inversion swapping Ford circles
  • Then the endpoints of the fixed circle are and
  • if the arc joining these points has -length =

Button's Theorem

If is a Markoff number which is prime

then there is a unique triple

  • Button's theorem follows from unicity in
  • unique vertical geodesic in Lemma A.
  • let's look at that again

  • Number of ways of writing as a sum of squares with coprime integers
  • = number of integers coprime to such that the line contains a point in the orbit of .
  • For every Markoff number there are exactly 6 simple closed geodesics of length on the modular torus
  • exactly 6 simple arcs of -length on

![](./ptorus (1).svg)

pair of disjoint simple closed and arc geodesics


can be identified with the Teichmueller space of the punctured torus.

exactly 6 simple arcs of -length on

The End

<img src="./theoremsab.png" width="600">


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0hlvhQZIOQw" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

- the **midpoint** of this vertical arc is at height $1/|ad - bc|$

- whose fixed point is $i+1$.

- $U' : z \mapsto 2-\bar{z}$ induces an automorphism no fixed points in $X,\, p \geq 3$
