Markoff numbers are integers that appear a Markoff triple
which are solutions of a Diophantine equation
the so-called Markoff cubic
The largest integer in a triple determines the two other numbers.
There is a natural map (we'll see why shortly)
Definition: Let
Natural map:
Theorem The shortest representative for a non trivial homology class is always a multiple of a closed simple geodesic.
comes from Bass-Serre tree of
H. Cohn Approach to Markoff’s Minimal Forms Through Modular Functions (1955)
modular torus =
Theorem: (Cohn and many others) The semi-algebraic set:
identified with the Teichmueller space of the punctured torus.
group of the automorphisms is induced by the action of the mapping class group
the permutation
the (Vieta) involution
then there is a unique triple
Ford circles
arc = Poincaré geodesic joining
orbit of
simple closed geodesic such that
Proof: Easy calculation
Every Markoff number
The "number of ways" of writing
The "number of ways" of writing
The number of ways of writing
is equal to the number of arcs on the modular surface
exactly 6 simple arcs of
every Markoff number
then there is a unique triple
Theorem F1: Let
has a solution over
Theorem F2: Let
has a solution over
Acting on
Acting on
"Geometric" proof: Group acting on
Count fixed points